Integrated Policy Of Food Quality And Safety, Environment, Kosher And Halal

The Management of THE 42 DEGREES COMPANY, S.L. declares that its MISSION and VISION is based on the intention to manufacture and offer HOT, SAFE, LEGAL AND AUTHENTIC DRINKS, that customers can enjoy anywhere and at any time, that meet the specified quality, as well as assume their responsibility in front of their clients, including those from the Muslim and Jewish Communities.

The VALUES-STRENGTHS of the company are:

  • Make decisions and execute
  • Build the “Self-heating” category as independent
  • Get results as a team.
  • Always look for a new solution.
  • Use innovation and efficiency as continuous improvement.

Based on the BASIC PRINCIPLES described, the Management undertakes to:

  • Ensure compliance with a PROFESSIONAL ETHICAL GUIDE, to ensure human dignity in all its aspects (gender reason, sexual orientation, disability,  illness,  age,  religion, political opinion, nationality, etc.).
  • Ensure CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, taking as reference the BRC and IFS quality standards.
  • Strengthen the implementation of the FOOD SAFETY CULTURE at all levels of the company.
  • Apply INNOVATIVE techniques and technologies, establishing R+D+i as a pillar of the company to guarantee competitiveness in the global market, including Muslim and Jewish communities.
  • Implement actions to improve RECYCLABILITY and SUSTAINABILITY.

As evidence of its great commitment to both the environment and human rights, the company adheres to the commitments of the “GLOBAL COMPACT OF THE UNITED NATIONS”.

The Management will establish SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF QUALITY AND FOOD SAFETY, compliance with which will be reviewed periodically.

In order to make this Policy effective and achieve its objectives, the Management  relies on the active participation of all staff and undertakes to provide all the necessary resources to achieve it.